Computer scientist, PhD
Software Engineer at Meta
About Me
Computer scientist located in London, UK, working on static/dynamic program analysis at Meta/WhatsApp.
PhD in formal methods from BME, Hungary.
Former intern at CERN and SRI International.
Feeling the most comfortable at the intersection of theory and practice, adopting research results in real-world applications.
- 2021 - present: Meta/WhatsApp, London, UK, Software engineer
Working on automated static and dynamic program analysis tools for WhatsApp server (Erlang) and clients (Android/iOS), mostly concerning reliability, performance and privacy properties.
- 2019 - 2021: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Assistant lecturer
Involved in research, projects and education at the Critical Systems Research Group, related to software model checking and other verification techniques.
- 2019: SRI International, New York, USA (12 weeks)
Formalizing and verifying advanced data structures in Solidity.
- 2018: SRI International, New York, USA (12 weeks)
Developing solc-verify, a formal verification tool for Solidity smart contracts.
- 2017: McGill University, Montréal, Canada (8 weeks)
Working on functional verification for cyber-physical systems.
- 2015: CERN, Geneva, Switzerland (10 weeks)
Developing code generation in ROOT, a data analysis framework for the experiments.
- 2013: evopro, Budapest, Hungary (6 weeks)
Modeling and analyzing public transportation networks using Petri nets.
- 2021 - present: Infer
Infer is a general purpose static analysis platform developed at Meta. I am working on the Erlang frontend, a callgraph reachability analysis and the integrations with WhatsApp server and client codebases.
- 2022 - 2024: Sapienz
I worked on integrating Sapienz – an automated UI testing engine – with WhatsApp iOS client to perform taint analysis of privacy properties.
- 2021 - 2022: FAUSTA
FAUSTA is an automated testing for WhatsApp server with traffic generation. I worked on more precise fault localization.
- 2015 - 2021: Theta
Theta is a generic, modular and configurable model checking framework. I was one of the original founders and main developers, focusing on the abstraction-based algorithms for transition systems and programs.
Selected Publications
- FSE’24 Automated End-to-End Dynamic Taint Analysis for WhatsApp
With S. Cela, A. Ciancone, P. Gustafsson, Y. Jia, T. Kapus, M. Koshtenko, W. Lewis, K. Mao, D. Martac paper
- ICSE’24 PrivacyCAT: Privacy-Aware Code Analysis at Scale
With K. Mao, C. Ahs, S. Cela, D. Distefao, N. Gardner, R. Grigore, P. Gustafsson, T. Kapus, M. Marescotti, G. Cunha Sampaio, T. Suzanne paper
- ICST’22 FAUSTA: Scaling Dynamic Analysis with Traffic Generation at WhatsApp
With K. Mao, T. Kapus, L. Petrou, M. Marescotti, A. Löscher, M. Harman, D. Distefano paper
- VSTTE’19 solc-verify: A Modular Verifier for Solidity Smart Contracts
With D. Jovanović paper slides
- FMCAD’17 Theta: a Framework for Abstraction Refinement-Based Model Checking
With T. Tóth, A. Vörös, Z. Micskei, I. Majzik paper slides talk
Full list of publications / Google Scholar / dblp
- PC chair: Erlang’25, FormaliSE’25-AE, Infer’23
- PC member: Infer’24, FormaliSE’23, VMCAI’23, WoSoCer’22, FORTE’22, OMBEE’21, FMICS’21, MSR’21-shadow, SV-COMP’21, OMBEE’20
- AE PC member: CAV’22, TAP’21, PLDI’21, TAP’20, VMCAI’20
- Journal reviewer: SCP’24, FAC’24, SCP’23, SQJ’22, STTT’22, IEEE Access’20
- Subreviewer: VMCAI’22, POPL’22, FASE’21, MODELS’20, VSTTE’19, HASE’19, LADC’18, SRDS’17
- Volunteer: DISC’19, AVM’17, SRDS’16, ICACON’15, DSN’13